Here you will find a list of all our partners, where you can purchase m.objects AV-Software.If you want to purchase m.objects AV-Software, please refer to the respective vendor in your country. In case there is no corresponding vendor, you can navigate to our m.objects shop, which is also listed below. |

Netherlands and VlamingenAV&F facilitairCoen van der Gugten
France and WalloniaELECTROSONIC FranceRaymonde & Jean-Claude Bargain
+33 (0) 298 581 236
Shop: |
ItalyAndreella PhotoSimone Andreella
+39 (0331) 679350
Shop: |
SwitzerlandGlobal AV-Produktionen GmbHAndreas & Christian Zimmermann
+41 (0)32 637 08 29
Shop: |
Germany and non-listed countriesm.objects e.K.Steffen Richter
+49 (0)251 97 43 63 14
Shop: |